Saturday 17 January 2015

Hamsa Upanishad

Hamsa Upanishad In the filament (of the lotus), there arises the waking state; in the pericarp there arises the Svapna (dreaming state); in the Bija (seed of pericarp), there arises the Sushupti (dreamless sleeping state); when leaving the lotus, there is the Turya (fourth state). When Hamsa is absorbed in Nada (spiritual sound), the state beyond the fourth is reached. Nada (which is at the end of sound and beyond speech and mind) is like a pure crystal extending from (Mula) Adhara to Brahmarandhra. It is that which is spoken of as Brahma and Paramatman. After that, Unmani is the end of the Ajapa (Mantra). Having thus reflected upon Manas by means of This (Hamsa), one hears Nada after the uttering of this Japa (Mantra) a crore of times. It (Nada) is (begun to be heard as) of ten kinds. . He may experience the tenth without the first nine sounds (through the initiation of a Guru). In the first stage, his body becomes Chini-Chini; in the second, there is the (Bhanjana) breaking (or affecting) in the body; in the third, there is the (Bhedana) piercing; in the fourth, the head shakes; in the fifth, the palate produces saliva; in the sixth, nectar is attained; in the seventh, the knowledge of the hidden (things in the world) arises; in the eighth, Para-Vak is heard; in the ninth, the body becomes invisible and the pure divine eye is developed; in the tenth, he attains Para-Brahman in the presence of (or with) Atman which is Brahman. After that, when Manas destroyed, when it which is the source of Sankalpa and Vikalpa disappears, owing to the destruction of these two, and when virtues and sins are burnt away, then he shines as Sadashiva of the nature of Sakti pervading everywhere, being effulgence in its very essence, the immaculate, the eternal, the stainless and the most quiescent Om. Thus is the teaching of the Vedas; and thus is the Upanishad."

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